Small knob of butter
1 tsp olive oil
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 onions, chopped
Small pack of pancetta
300g red Quinola
1 glass of white wine
350g chopped butternut squash
1 pt chicken stock
4 fresh thyme sprigs
Gently fry the onions in butter and olive oil till soft.
Add garlic and fry with the pancetta for another couple of minutes.
Add the red quinoa and stir to coat the grains.
Add the wine and chicken stock and thyme and bring to a simmer.
Cook, stirring occasionally until the quinoa is cooked to your liking, and all liquid is absorbed.
Add garlic and fry with the pancetta for another couple of minutes.
Add the red quinoa and stir to coat the grains.
Add the wine and chicken stock and thyme and bring to a simmer.
Cook, stirring occasionally until the quinoa is cooked to your liking, and all liquid is absorbed.