Ethically Sourced Quinoa
We've been sourcing the finest and tastiest quinoa for over 10 years. Working with small hold farmers and co-operatives ensures the money goes to the people that grow the quinoa.

Sacred Plant
Quinoa is the sacred plant of the Incas (the “Mothergrain” – Mother of all seeds), it is a delicious and nutritious, super plant-protein that fed the largest empire in South America.
Quinoa is recognized as a super food by NASA, and is the food of astronauts during space missions!

Our Peruvian Quinoa
Where is it produced?
We work with over 1000 smallholder farmers from two different cooperatives; Coopain and Cagma. Our Organic quinoa is grown by both of these cooperatives on the Peruvian Altiplano near Lake Titicaca.

Organic Quinoa
How is the quinoa grown?
Caring for the environment is central to everything we do. This is why we work with farmers who don't allow the use of pesticides, chemicals or fertilizer. They practice dry agriculture to preserve precious water resources and rotate their crops to allow the land to regenerate post-harvest.

Our Peruvian farmers
people matter
It's important to us that we look after our quinoa farmers. For over 10 years we worked with Fairtrade and we continue to guarantee a fair price for the quinoa crop so that our farmers and their families earn a sustainable income.

Our French Quinoa
Our French-grown quinoa is the only whole grain quinoa available, naturally free of saponin—the bitter compound found in other varieties. This means we don't need to remove the outer layer through washing. It offers double the fibre of typical quinoa and is also rich in iron and magnesium.

Loire Valley, France
Our Wholegrain quinoa is cultivated in the Loire Valley of France. The journey began over twelve years ago when farmer Jason Abbott took on the challenge of growing Peru’s ancient grain in his family’s homeland. After a lengthy process, Jason successfully developed several saponin-free quinoa varieties that thrive in the French climate, and these are used in our Whole Grain Quinoa packs.