Our Recipes

Find some of our favourite quinoa recipes below.


Recipes — starter

Plate filled with quinoa radish and broccoli salad

Organic quinoa, Broccoli, radish and feta salad

Taking only 15 minutes - this is a crunchy and fresh quinoa salad, perfect for a light dinner or as a side at a dinner party! Serves 2.

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Cake cups filled with quinoa baked cheese and ham bites

Mini ham and Cheese Quinoa Cups

These cheese and ham bites take the oozy flaours of a cheese toasty and put it into a healthier bite. Combining tomatoes, courgette, cheese and ham with Quinola quinoa to create an ultimate two bite wonder!  There is also a vegetarian option available. 

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Plate of quinoa pizza bites shaped like a caterpillar with cucumber legs

Pizza Bites

Tasty little quinoa pizza bites, a perfect weekend activity with the kid or a quinak weeknight meal.

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A large jar filled with quinoa, prawns and  herby salad. A fork is placed against the jar

Quinoa and prawn salad jar with lemon and honey dressing

Ingredients1 large jarCooked peeled prawnsCooked quinoaA few cherry tomatoesA few cucumber chunksWatercress saladSpiraled zucchini (optional)A few broad beans3 tbs olive oil1tbs lemon juice1tbs honeySea salt and black pepper MethodIn a mason jar, put all the dressing ingredients, close the lid and shake well.Open the jar and start layering the salad on the top of the dressing, making sure that quinoa goes first (at the bottom) and the watercress salad last on the top to avoid contact with the dressing and wilting.

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