Quinola Blog

Find out about what we've been up to, useful tips and info on how eating quinoa as part of a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes.

Find out about what we've been up to, useful tips and info on how eating quinoa as part of a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes.



Farmer holding a pack of quinola quinoa

Join the #GenerousChallenge

Please join the #GenerousChallenge We need your help to keep the nation’s spirits high.Every day we’ll be delivering free food and positive distractions to generous people.Do get involved! As lockdown in the UK started its second day we wondered what we could do to help. As a small supplier of plant-based products, we’d already been working all hours to make sure we can get and keep our food in the shops. But as a generous business, part of the #GenerousRevolution we wanted to do more. So here it is! The #GenerousChallenge. We’re concerned that as lockdown becomes the new normal, many...

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Moyee Coffee

Moyee Coffee

Food doesn’t just appear on the supermarket shelves. It has to be grown by hard working farmers. Without these farming communities, a lot of the food we consume simply wouldn’t be produced. It’s important to us at Quinola that the farmers get fair pay for the work they do. More than 80% of our products are made using Fairtrade quinoa from our Peruvian cooperatives. More and more companies are now starting to take note of where their produce comes from. Sourcing these ingredients ethically and sustainably is becoming just as important as turning a profit and this is one of...

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Quinola’s Packaging Goes Plastic Neutral

Quinola’s Packaging Goes Plastic Neutral

Plastic is the current bad boy of the environment, and yet for all ready to eat solutions it is by far the most carbon-friendly packaging available. The alternatives are glass containers or metal cans both of which use up significantly more energy to make, to transport empty and add significant weight to the finished product contributing to the carbon footprint of transporting the finished goods. Our ready to eat solutions are also very efficient in the energy used to cook them. Think of it like this – 4000 pouches being cooked perfectly in one batch as opposed to 4000 individual...

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The Pur Projet: How we Offset our Maritime Carbon Emissions

The Pur Projet: How we Offset our Maritime Carbon Emissions

At Quinola, the environment is at the heart of everything we do. To offset the carbon footprint of the maritime transport of all quinoa from Peru to Europe, we have teamed up with the Pur projet. We offset every gram of CO2 emitted by the transport of quinoa from Lima, Peru to le Havre in France. Our grains are then packed by a facility who employs over 20 people with learning difficulties. Maritime transport is a very carbon-efficient way of transporting goods in the first place. With a ton of quinoa transported 1 kilometre by boat having less than 10%...

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