Quinola Blog

Find out about what we've been up to, useful tips and info on how eating quinoa as part of a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes.

Find out about what we've been up to, useful tips and info on how eating quinoa as part of a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes.


News — environmental

Person holding phone

Charge your phone with a Plant

Barcelona based company Arkyne Technologies have taken renewable energy to a new level: the soil and roots of a plant. They came up with a way of charging your phone via plant photosynthesis. The leaves are used like solar panels where sunshine turns carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and organic compounds. Then, there are microorganisms (or bacteria) inside the pot that break down the compounds into electrons. All you have to do is plug your device into the undercover pebble designed USB port and charge up. It can provide up to 3 full charges a day. The product is...

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bowl of vegetables and tofu

Get your iron from vegetables not meat!

The Nutrition Journal published a conclusion on the benefits of getting iron from vegetable sources as opposed to meat sources in its July 2013 issue. Basically iron helps as an antioxidant in our bodies. Antioxidants help to reduce stresses and damage to cells, so generally a good thing for your health.

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Bowl of vegetables with quinoa on the side

Save the planet, Eat less meat

Today, the biggest source of protein intake in the Western diet (mainly Europe and the USA) is meat. There’s not a thought spared for legumes, pulses or vegetables, including vegetable proteins.  The problem with consuming animal protein is that it has serious consequence for both us  the planet we inhabit. If we want to continue to enjoy our beautiful planet in the future, we seriously need to rethink our diet and balance our sources of protein. Our over-consumption of meat doesn’t only have negative effects on our health but also on the planet. Our love of meat is one of...

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Did you know that Cow Farts cause Global Warming?

Are you all familiar with a gas called Methane? It’s a greenhouse gas, like carbon dioxide, only 25 times more dangerous to the climate! Unfortunately, it is found in a cow’s flatulence! According to the UN’ Food and Agriculture Organization, domesticated ruminants expel about a hundred million tons of methane per year! Woah! That’s way more than transportation in CO2 equivalent.But mostly, this means that methane emitted from livestock contributes for 18% of Global Warming. Crazy, right? So eating much less meat and dairy product is an effective way to reduce our personal carbon footprint and reduce our personal impact...

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