Quinola Blog

Find out about what we've been up to, useful tips and info on how eating quinoa as part of a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes.

Find out about what we've been up to, useful tips and info on how eating quinoa as part of a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes.


News — Quinoa

Bee hive among tree branches with a swarm of bees

The Insect hecatomb- why we only sell organic quinoa and responsibly farmed quinoa

Insects are a vital part of the pyramid of life. Overuse of harmful chemicals and pesticides has been extremely damaging to the insect population and our naturally growing crops. So why should you shop organic?

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Bowl of porridge made from quinoa flakes, topped with kiwi, mangoes, grapes and coconut flakes

How do you cook Quinoa Flakes?

Quinoa flakes are super simple and quick to cook. You can use them in porridge, baking, smoothies and much more. They are often underestimated in the amount of ways you can incorporate them into your diet!

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A hand holding out quinoa seeds in a field of quinoa plants

What is the deal with Slow-Release Carbs?

Qunioa is a super nutritious food for many reasons. What makes it special is that it is also a slow-release carb. Read on to find out why this is important to your health and why it is so important to incorporate quinoa into your diet.

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bowl of quinoa seeds

How do I cook Quinola via the absorption method?

A bit like rice you can cook quinoa using the absorption method. Two parts of water to one part of quinoa, and cook over a medium heat until all the water has been absorbed. You can increase or decrease the amount of water to get different textures, with some cooks going as low as 1 part water for 1 part quinoa for an extra crunchy bite.  You can also cook quinoa in a rice cooker. Shu, a Quinola fan, has had great results with our Quinola in her rice cooker. Just like rice, you add one part quinoa with two parts...

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