For thousands of years, quinoa was cultivated in the Andes by the Incas, who considered it as the sacred crop of the gods and the “mother of all grains” (hence the name Mothergrain).
Launched in 2011, Quinola Mothergrain is an organic and Fairtrade brand, sourcing and producing the finest quinoa there is. Grown and harvested at 4000 meters on the Peruvian Altiplano, Quinola is produced using sustainable farming techniques. The founder, James Livingstone-Wallace, helps in the development of the cooperative through the purchase of tractors, trucks and other material to facilitate harvesting and sorting the grains before getting them to the plant, via the Fairtrade scheme. Today, Quinola Mothergrain has helped the cooperative benefit from 100,000$ of Fairtrade premium. Thank you for buying Quinola!