Andy Mcfadden’s Blackened Chicken Quinoa Salad

Plate of quinoa mixed with salad, slices of chili and chicken

100g black quinola
100g red quinola
100g white quinola
1 red chilli, finely chopped
100g baby spinach, picked
4 spring onions, trimmed and finely chopped
1 bunch of fresh coriander, leaves only
1 bunch of fresh mint, leaves only
juice and zest of 2 limes
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 
50g feta cheese (can replace with vegan cheese)
2 x 200g skinless free-range chicken breasts  (replace with boiled eggs or tofu)
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp ground allspice 
1 tsp smoked paprika 
olive oil 
2 mixed-colour peppers 
4 tbsp natural yoghurt (can use soya yoghurt for a vegan option) t

Cook the quinola separately according to the packet instructions, then drain and spread out on a large plate or tray to cool quickly.

On a large sheet of greaseproof paper, toss the chicken with sea salt, black pepper, the allspice and paprika. Fold over the paper, then bash and flatten the chicken to 1.5cm thick with a rolling pin.

Put into the frying pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, turning after 3 or 4 minutes, or until blackened and cooked through.

Deseed the peppers, cut each one into strips and add to the frying pan, tossing regularly.

Toss the quinola with the chilli, spinach, spring onions, coriander (reserving a few leaves) and cooked peppers, add the lime juice and zest, the extra virgin olive oil, mix well and season to taste.

Slice up the chicken, toss the slices in any juices and add to the salad.

Crumble over the feta, scatter over the remaining coriander leaves.

Serve with dollops of the natural yoghurt.