Quinola Blog

Find out about what we've been up to, useful tips and info on how eating quinoa as part of a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes.

Find out about what we've been up to, useful tips and info on how eating quinoa as part of a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes.



What is Cop26?

From the 31st October to 12th November 2021 the COP26 summit in Glasgow will bring together parties to accelerate action towards to the goals of the Paris agreement and the UN targets on climate change. Many believe this event is the world’s best last chance to get climate change back under control. COP stands for ‘Conference of the Parties’ and these conferences have been taking place for nearly three decades. This year being the 26th annual summit.  In that time the climate crisis has gone from being on the edge of general awareness to a global priority. Why is it so important? The...

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Plastic the Bogey Man

Plastic the Bogey Man

What does it look like to have an environmentally friendly product? It is a lot more complicated then just reducing the amount of plastic used. Read on to see how Quinola is doing compared to other products and why quinoa over rice may be the best environmentally friendly option.

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Becoming a 'B'etter business. Becoming a Bcorp.

Becoming a 'B'etter business. Becoming a Bcorp.

We are excited to announce that we have achieved the B Corp status and are joining a community of businesses using their force for good. Have a read of what being a BCorp means to the environment, the customer and the producers and how we are doing our small bit to make a change.

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How James started Quinola

How James started Quinola

Interview with JamesJames recently sat down with Ditsa from Delivery Rank to talk about how eating quinoa is crucial as part of a healthy diet and how Quinola can help you care for yourself and the planet. Read a snippet below or follow the link for the full interview.Quinola was initially a fair trade business. We’ve stretched now to a wider mission in terms of making eating right easy and that revolves around four core values. Tasty foodOne is that we want it to taste good. It’s important, and people forget that. I think there are a lot of products...

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