Organic September is an annual campaign organized by the Soil Association, a leading organic certification body in the United Kingdom. The campaign takes place during the month of September and aims to raise awareness about organic food and farming.
The main goal of Organic September is to encourage individuals, businesses, and communities to choose organic products and support organic farming practices. Here are some reasons why you might consider getting involved:
Health Benefits: Organic farming practices prioritize the use of natural methods and avoid synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). As a result, organic food often has lower levels of pesticide residues and may contain higher levels of certain nutrients and beneficial compounds.
Environmental Sustainability: Organic farming promotes biodiversity, soil health, and water conservation. It avoids the use of synthetic chemicals that can harm ecosystems, pollinators, and wildlife. By supporting organic farming, you contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly food system.
Animal Welfare: Organic standards include specific animal welfare requirements. Organic livestock must have access to outdoor areas, be provided with organic feed, and be raised without routine use of antibiotics or growth hormones. Choosing organic products can support better animal welfare practices.
Supporting Local Farmers: By purchasing organic produce from local farmers, you support their livelihoods and contribute to the local economy. Organic farming often involves smaller-scale operations, and buying directly from farmers or local markets helps build stronger communities.
Taste and Quality: Many people find that organic food has a richer flavour and superior quality compared to conventionally produced counterparts. Organic farming places emphasis on building healthy soil, which can enhance the taste and nutritional profile of the crops.
Getting involved in Organic September can be as simple as seeking out and purchasing organic products, attending local events or farmer's markets, or even starting conversations about organic farming with friends and family. It's an opportunity to learn more about organic practices, make informed choices about the food you consume, and contribute to a more sustainable and healthy food system.